Episode 11: All About Norwegian Fjords
Hello! Welcome to Flip N Tails: a tiny podcast for BIG horse lovers! I’m a horse girl who loves to ride and each week I’ll share about what I learn and love about horses. Today is episode eleven and it’s all about Norwegian Fjords.
Imagine if you lived in a really cold place like Norway. You would need things like a double winter coat, and you would need to be strong and tough and you would need to know how to do things like a Norwegian Fjord.
What I love about Norwegian Fjords is they’re so recognizable.
One time I could see them across a field and still recognize them.
Describe them
They’re like a yellowish palomino color, like a tannish color. Their manes are like brown and white and they’re short stocky and small. Some people debate on whether or not they’re a horse or a pony. Think of them like a large pony. Because they’re 14.2 hands, that’s pretty big for a pony.
How do they standout from the crowd?
They have a thing called a dorsal stripe, and it’s like a stripe that goes on their spine that normally comes in dun colors which is like yellow and tan mixed together.
Fun Fact
Their head is darker than their body and there are five different kinds of dun.
Norwegian Fjords have been shaped by where they’re from
The reason they are so tough is because in Norway it is really cold. And they have to have that in order to live there.
Their influences are the Przewalski horse. Lots of people can notice this because the Norwegian Fjord looks a lot like the Przewalski horse.
Fjords have been in Norway since the Viking times
They would help the Vikings with lots of work because they were a work horse and they are influences to most of the modern draft horses we see today. They’re also very friendly so they’re very popular for a family horse.
Famous example of a Norwegian Fjord
If you’ve ever watched the animated princess movie Frozen, Prince Hans is one of the princes in there. He has a horse that saves them from falling off the boat, and his name is Sitron. Sitron is a Norwegian Fjord and that makes sense because the film was set in Norway.
So that’s it! Now you know a tiny bit more about this special horse. Join us next time and subscribe for another episode of Flip N Tails: a tiny podcast for BIG horse lovers!